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DEC 18/10
New Site! New Site!

Well it's been a long minute but we're finally here! No more making excuses and frankly, the joke was getting old. We're excited about this new direction; a design company with a website, how novel! Although we have to admit, we're surprised at how far we got despite not having one. Thanks to all our amazing clients who trusted us with their projects enough to overlook our non-website status: We wouldn't be here without your support!

So now that that's out of the way, a little Q + A about the new site:

Q: What's that swirly cloud thing on the homepage?
A: It's a swirly cloud.

Q: Oh... And what's with that shadowy character on the site's footer? He's a bit scary.
A: That's Sasquatch. And he's not so scary, just misunderstood.

Q: Why Sasquatch?
A: Being based in Vancouver we feel an affinity with all our Pacific Northwest neighbours, but the sasquatch in particular holds a very special place in our hearts. Did you know "sasquatch" means "hairy man"? Which neither of us are. So that's like, ironic.

Q: And have any of you ever seen a sasquatch?
A: Chris has come the closest. Once while he was camping in Oregon he thought he saw one. But on closer inspection it was just a yeti.

Q: Fair enough. And in your work section, the "OTHER" category..?
A: That's where we hope to put any projects that may not fit into the other categories. We see it being less client driven and more exploratory in nature. Also, having it there will hopefully inspire us to fill it with fun stuff. Stay tuned!

So it's been a long time coming, but here we are. We hope you enjoy the site and check back often for all the latest news and events going on at The Sum!